Fenix Les Paul - Alchemy - The long true story of turning sh*t into gold

Let me elaborate for a moment because this one took me so long and life is made out of stories you tell, isn't it?

When I was seventeen, I was shovelling shit, muddy water and other waste at the local sewage plant.
It was one of the hottest summers even before climate change turned our planet into a crazy pressure cooker and the only thing that kept me going was the idea of buying my first electric guitar with the earnings of my labour.

All summer long I would work in the heat, reciting ICP's "The Great Milenko" in my head - it was like a mantra that kept me going.

When all was said and done I could perform the stupid verses of  said album like a Shakespearean actor and I could finally afford my first Les Paul copy.

No, it wasn't the Fenix one - just hear me out, there's more....
In the same year on a family vacation in hungary I walked into a local guitar store.
All the way up behind the counter there was the most expensive guitar they had on offer, hanging on the wall - a slime green Epiphone Les Paul.
I bought it with my hard earned money after just holding it in my little hands for about 15 seconds - I could not try it out because I didn't even knew any chords to play back then.
I will remember the face of the shop keeper forever though....

So where is the connection to the Fenix Les Paul?
Well, even back then I was thinking about a pickup replacement and I wanted a Pearly Gates humbucker but it was just too pricey for a poor boy like me.

I picked up the Fenix Les Paul quite cheap because a girlfriend was selling the guitar of a former ex.
We met close to a local graveyard (how fitting) and although nothing worked on the instrument, I went along with the deal.
Just like life goes, I got an opportunity to finally get a Pearly Gates humbucker for reasonable money.

So there we go - Seymour Duncan Pearly Gates at the neck and a Rio Grande BBQ pickup at the bridge to live and breathe the ZZ Top sound.